Gender Pay Gap

10th November 2017 is equal pay day

Addressing the gender pay gap is a priorty of the University identified in 2015, and incorporated into the objectives of the University’s Athena SWAN silver charter submission.

What does it mean?

UK Equal Pay day marks the gender pay gap. From now on through the rest of the calendar year – the pay gap means that women are working for free.

Closing the gender pay gap is a priority recognised by the Universtiy, UCU (the union representing academics and researchers) and the ECU, the equality challenge unit.

The University investigated the gender pay gap in 2015 you can find the report here

the report recommended

  • There should be a comprehensive exercise to encourage greater declaration of ethnicity, nationality, disability, religion & belief and sexual orientation data to enable more robust analysis of our demographics and pay equality in these areas.
  • Faculties and the Professional Services should review equal pay data for their areas to ensure that there are no gender pay gaps affecting specific disciplines or occupations.
  • The successful work to improve the progression of women to senior roles should continue, as this is clearly having a positive effect.
  • The measures taken by the University to increase female representation to date have focused on academic employees only and action should be taken to develop gender equality work for other staff groups.

What progress has been made in your department or faculty?

Equal pay on campus is also a priority of the UCU who are proposing a day of action on November 17.

You can download the current most recent set of data here