Women in Science Training Feedback

Dr Rachel Van BesouwWiSET member Dr Rachel Van Besouw attended the Quercus ‘Women in Science & Engineering’ training day in February. Their training resources are not publicly available but Rachel recommends the course for post docs and new lecturers, and has supplied a few notes and a reading list here to inspire us

Isn’t it interesting how media representations of women emphasise what women scientists look like, to sell ‘science is sexy’ rather than ‘science is serious’

Reading List
·        Etzkowitz et al. (2000) Athena Unbound: The advancement of women in science & technology. Cambridge University Press
·        Fine (2010) Delusions of Gender: The real  science behind sex differences. Icon Books
·        Hewlett et al. (2008) The Athena Factor: Reversing the brain drain in science. Engineering & Technology Harvard Business Review
·        Lober Newsome (2008) The Chemistry PhD: The impact on women’s retention. A report for the UKRC and the Royal Society of Chemistry
·        Pritchard (2006) Success Strategies for Women in Science: A portable mentor. Academic Press
·        The Royal Society of Edinburgh (2012) Tapping All Our Talents. Women in STEM: A strategy for Scotland 
·        Yeung (2008) http://www.robyeung.com/tag/confidence/ Pearson Education Ltd.
Additional resources