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senior leaders

Congratulations to Professor Cathy Pope

WiSET are very pleased to be able to celebrate the inaugural lecture of Professor Cathy Pope on Friday 21st June.  Cathy gave an inspirational talk to a packed house of colleagues, family members, including a large WiSET cohort. Cathy has been a long time member of WiSET and is actively involved in the steering group.  She has been a Chair of the group and still finds time to help organise the very important Campbell Lecture, along with WiSET colleagues, Andrea Russell and Roxana Carare. Continue reading →

WiSET steering group meets Gill Rider, Chair of Council

Members of WiSET steering group were delighted to meet with Dr Gill Rider OBE who was appointed to the University Council in 2012 this month. Council is the governing body of the University, responsible for the overall planning and management of the University and it derives its existence and authority from Article 11 of the University Charter. Gill took time out of her busy schedule to meet WiSET and we had a lively and wide-ranging discussion. Continue reading →